Sunday 19 December 2010

Life can be crap!

I feel Numb.

Recently I have just seemed to have crap news. Today, December 17th in the early hours of the morning my grandpa passed away, I feel sick. It was only 4 weeks ago he had a huge heart attack and survived and seemed to be doing so well on the road to recovery. Tonight I had to break the news to the kids. I envy the way that at such a young age life can be so matter of fact. Jake has assured me that grandpa is now sitting with God and Jesus and granny is telling them all jokes, as she was a very good Joke teller; those were his words. I love the fact that we then sat there and Jake told me some jokes, they were terrible jokes, but he made me laugh.

And if that was not enough, before I got that call, I was sitting with a good friend who is going through hell with a terminally ill partner. Her whole life has been turned upside down in a couple of months, with nothing she can do to alter the outcome. As a friend I feel helpless trying to help her through such a difficult time, all I can offer her is a shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear and at this time of year it always seems even more unfair.

Anyway life must go on, so I am heading out tonight with my netball team, for our Christmas night out. Seriously thought about staying in, but decided to go out and if I turn into a weeping mess, I can always get a taxi. So I have my phone at the ready so hopefully photo's to follow.

Hey what can I say, great night out and what a HOT looking netball team, looking good girls! Well they certainly put a smile back on my face, I had an ace night.

Finally, back to the actual reason I am writing this blog, training. Had a good start to the week, managed both tri sessions, however 2nd session felt pretty poor this week. Just wasn't feeling focused at all, and my weekend session was definitely effected by too much alcohol on my Friday night out. However yet again I made my daughters early morning swim session, at this rate I could end up getting a name for myself on the pool side. Maybe I should learn to say no to drinking... nah that's just a silly idea, I love my boozy nights out, it's just the next day it goes horribly wrong (sometimes).

As if the week had not been bad enough, earlier on in the week I managed to put my back out again, it has been so frustrating. Anyway I put my SOS call into Jambo and he was only getting on a train to London, Arghhhh!

However tonight (Sunday) I have seen Jambo..... I think I have just been through a torture session. I am now known as the Screamer. I can handle a lot of pain but this was excruciating, my IT bands were knotted to the extreme. So Jambo first came at me with his hands, where I nearly hit the roof, so he opted for using a huge foam tube, and used it like a rolling pin up the side of my leg, owwwwwwwwwwww!! Next he found the problem with my back, owwwwwwwwwwwwww! again, upside I do feel better, but what a session. From now on I am seriously going to concentrate on trying to release my IT band on my own.

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