Saturday 16 October 2010

A slow week

What a quiet week, whether it was from last weekends activities (most likely) or something else, I came down with a stinker of a cold and as a result I have taken it pretty easy this week.

Monday evening I managed an easy pool session, followed by a very quick bike ride Tuesday morning. It was a hard choice between my bikes however due to the addition of my new tri bars, the Giant won over the BMX this time; its always such a hard choice.

Wednesday all I managed was to coach netball, I think I was being pretty tough on the warm up drills, put it down to the frustration of not being able to join in.

Thursday I was off to the Carling Academy to watch Tinie Tempah, he was amazing, so much energy.

Friday night I was back in the Pool, had a pretty good session, chest still isn't great but it is a massive improvement to the start of the week and my asthma hasn't kicked off too much this time, so really pleased about that.

Finally we are at Saturday and it was an early start. Lisa and I were out on the road by 8am. The first 30 mins were wet but then it turned into a fab morning, well worth getting up for. A quick 40 miles later we were back in the house, I grabbed my running shoes and went straight out with my daughter for a quick half a mile. It's my new rule after every bike ride (time permitting) whether its 5 mins or 2 hours plus I must go staight out running so as to practice my transistion; hope it helps!

Going to get up early tomorrow and go running. I feel that I am paying no attention to this discipline at the moment which is a bad thing as this is by far my weakest area. I must start making myself run a decent run each week, so I have a good starting block in which to start from in the New Year.

I did get some good news last week, a friend called Kaleel who I did my first triathlon with last year (it was his first also), has just entered the same Ironman, whoop, whoop! I have decided there must be something in the water up here at the mo, I will get the exact number but I think it is about 12 people from Total Racing International that will be going to Germany to compete. Geordies on tour or what! Think we might need a tour bus!

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